The Experience of Young Visitors in Traumatic Memorial Museums: A Visual Ethnography Study


2020 is a historically crucial year in Taiwan. Not only is it the 73rd anniversary of the 228 Incident, but it is also the 71st anniversary of the imposition of Martial Law. Taiwan undertook democratic reforms in the 1980s and 90s. The government has promoted transitional justice for several decades as well as encouraging active power from civil societies. It is necessary to consider how democratic value and be safeguarded in an inclusive and tolerant society that recognizes multiple viewpoints. Public memorial museums associated with traumatic events also face a turning point with regard to their role in putting human rights education into practice. How they redefine their position in the long term becomes critical issues; what direction do the national memorial museums take in the context of transitional justice in the urban context? This research takes two sites associated with the 228 incident and the period of the White Terror, the National 228 Memorial Museum and the National Human Rights Museum respectively, to conduct a visitor study focusing on the age range 8 to15 for their insights and opinion through a visual ethnographic approach and stimulated recall of the sites. This research elicits young visitors’ hidden feelings and retrospective insights. Their understanding and perception of the exhibits was revealed by their visual expression. It is possible for museums to plan interpretation and representation that responds to social and political advances and introduces museum practices focusing on efficient exhibition strategies for an inclusive and cohesive society.


Hui Wen Lin
Associate Professor, Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk




Memorial Museum of Trauma, Young Visitors, Visual Ethnography, Exhibition Strategy