Engaging the Visitor: Interactive and Immersive Experiences for Museum Transformation


The Odisha State Tribal Museum is today one of the most recommended museums in Odisha having shown a 5-fold increase in visitor numbers in the last 10 years. An ethnographic museum located in the urban, religious and political centre - Bhubaneswar, it represents the rich culture and traditions of 62 indigenous communities, 22.85% of the state’s population. The museum’s transformation is rooted in the belief that indigenous communities of Odisha must no longer be portrayed as the ‘other’ but celebrated as an integral part of emerging Odishan identity. This required creative endeavours, sensitivity and the administrative will to bring academic research within reach of the visitor, making lengthy texts relatable and statistics understandable while still making a visit to the museum, entertaining and appealing for all age and interest groups. Beginning with interactive kiosks, each year brought its challenges; to document fast disappearing traditions, to speak for communities without patronizing the visitor; to depict change with hope, and to applaud continuities of local practice and heritage. In this paper, we share our journey as experience designers in drawing an increasing number of visitors to this museum and engaging them through dynamic and interactive experiences. How a decade of listening, learning, and innovating within the museum space, translated into engaging interactions, so that visitors delighted in the ability to experience festivals, folklore, music, and dance through immersive VR and online museum tours became part of the digital experience.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Indigenous Peoples, Odisha, Museum Journey, Interactive Spaces, Immersive Experiences, VR