Walking Museum: Landscape Museological View


The many forms of communication are considered essential tools for the practices of museological work. With a special interest in the communication - city - historical heritage relationship, the idea was to carry out a non-institutionalized action. The focus of this work was to better understand the historical processes of the city. So, it was thought of a route itinerary carried out on foot, where the resource explored were the cronicles of Aquiles Porto Alegre, a gaucho writer who lived in the city between the 19th and 20th century. His tales talk about the urban landscape of which he was a part, today a portrait of the past of the city of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. The walk path was selected for the spectator to pass through three parks in the downtown, which Aquiles reports in his stories. These parks contain a unique communication in their landscape, they are Praça da Matriz, Praça da Alfândega and Praça XV. Then, as a finalization of the project, a guide was produced that aims to guide a museological vision where the subject’s participation is of key importance.


Lizandra Caon
Student, undergraduate, Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2020 Special Focus: Museums & Historical Urban Landscapes


Museology, Urban, Landscapes, Comunication, Museums