Theatrical Techniques as Tools for Adult Museum Audience Engagement : Practice-based Research at the Fairy Tale Museum in Cyprus


This paper explores the use of theatrical techniques and, more particularly role-play and storytelling, as tools for engaging adult audiences at the Fairy Tale Museum in Cyprus. The research focuses on adults as a particular audience group because they constitute the age group that visits the specific museum the least and usually abstains from interactive, performative, and playful activities. It is within this context that the research addresses three important parameters: a) interpretation and development of audience-museum relationship since the ’80s b) the way performance and theatre can become implemented in museums c) performance and theatre in museums in Cyprus. Research findings underline the importance of innovation in maintaining museum relevance for adult visitors and offer important insights into how the connection between the quality of engagement and the extent of the learning depends on the novelty of the experience while enhancing understanding of the need to place importance on the needs of adults for leisure time and entertainment, just as we do for children when designing educational programs.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Museum Pedagogy Museum Audience Engagement Adult Audiences Interactive Museum Programs