Bioethical Issues in the Museum


The Biology Museum tells about the diversity of wildlife and the laws of its existence, traditionally takes an expert position not only in the field of knowledge, but also in the field of bioethics and environmental ethics. The forms of education that were actively (and effectively) used fifty years ago now seem unacceptable to modern ecology-oriented people. Many visitors are shocked not only by “terrible” physiological preparations, but also by the traditional stuffed animals, as far as living animals were (or were not) killed to make them. The problem of different ethical standards is manifested more and more often, the exposition initially causes shock and indignation among some visitors rather than interest. The museum should suggest a competent story about the meaning of the biological museum adapted to the specifics of visitors, letting the visitors to keep their own views. We have researched the attitude of visitors to our exposition. The situation requires new forms of presentation and new ways of museum work, transition from the monologue to the dialogue with the visitor, to the participation museum. Our museum has implemented different forms of presentation of shocking content, allowing visitors to choose which parts of the exposition they are ready to be acquainted with. In cases where such an exhibition structure is impossible, it is important that the exhibition provides visitors with an opportunity to express their attitude to the situation, transforming them from consumers of information to participants in the solution of the problem.


Margarita Atroshchenko
head of zoology department, The state biology museum, Moscow, Russian Federation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Biology Museum, Bioethics, Participatory museum