The Imperative of Building Museum-school Partnerships with Preschools and Primary Schools


The Think! Contemporary Programme is a museum-based programme that advocates learning of contemporary art through exhibitions by Singapore Art Museum (SAM). First developed in 2011 with one primary school, the programme has been running successfully for eight years and has an increased participation of five schools. It is the longest-running museum-school partnership programme in Singapore, and has been extended to include Pre-schools in 2019. Integrating school curricula with museum visits, the programme employs artworks from various ongoing SAM exhibitions as a primary resource for classroom teaching and learning of Art, Character and Citizenship Education, English, Science, or Social Studies. Trainings are conducted for and alongside teachers to deepen their understanding of artworks. The programme involves a talk by SAM’s education specialists, museum visits, and culminates in an exhibition supported by SAM that exhibits the students’ artworks which were created in response to what they saw in the museum. Objectives of the programme include developing the capacity of teachers in using contemporary art as a tool for teaching and learning, as well as encourage critical thinking in students through talking about contemporary art. Through qualitative research methodologies, the study hopes to identify the benefits, process and sustainability of such close collaborations for the various stakeholders, and hopes to generate insights on the following questions: How does the Think! Contemporary programme impact the students, teachers and organisations involved? How effective is contemporary art as a tool for the teaching and learning of Singapore’s culture and history?


Gabrielle Lee
Assistant Manager, Programmes (Education), Singapore Art Museum

Qing Hui Chua
Assistant Manager, Programmes (Education), Singapore Art Museum


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Education, Museums, Stakeholders, Culture, Museum-based, Learning, Partnerships, Schools, Teachers, Students