Immersive Media in Museums and Museum Education


This thesis explores the use of immersive media, specifically augmented and online reality (AR and VR), as an educational tool in the museum space. My findings show that there are great limitations and benefits to implementing immersive media into a museum exhibit, but if done properly can be very rewarding for visitors. AR and VR can create memorable experiences for visitors in a time where attendance is declining in the arts. Technology can also increase time on task and enhance learning for visitors. These types of technologies have developed extensively in the past few years, to the extent that it is now time for museums to start using the technologies to enhance learning in their exhibits.


Felicia Knise Ingram
Manager of Interpretation, Accessibility and Diversity, North Carolina Museum of Art, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Technology, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Education, Immersive, Media, Museums