Reimagining the Collective Experience on Ergosemiotic Narratives: AI-Enhanced Gamified Narrative Maps for Navigating Complex Narratives


RHIZOLUDENS is an innovative AI-enhanced online platform that merges “rhizo” (rhizome) and “ludens” (playing) to tackle the cognitive challenges inherent in complex narrative structures, termed the “ergosemiotic narrative” research problem. Designed as a gamified proof-of-concept prototype, it transforms user engagement with complex narratives by fostering collaborative play and interactive learning experiences. Some narrative ecosystems in audiovisual media present significant cognitive hurdles for audiences, encapsulating the ergosemiotic narrative problem. By leveraging the luden-rhizomatic hypotheses enhanced by AI technologies for contextual analysis and pattern recognition, it provides an immersive environment for navigating intricate narrative storyworlds. Addressing the ergosemiotic narrative problem, it empowers online communities (fandoms) to collectively reconstruct narrative fragments from diverse media formats—videos, audio, images, texts, and gifs—within an interactive narrative map. This problem refers to the additional semiotic effort required to comprehend intricate narrative structures and their underlying meanings, simulated through interactive play. Rooted in an interdisciplinary framework integrating narratology, semiotics, film studies, game design, and educational technology, it enables active readers to navigate character relationships, plot events, and temporal sequences. Its rhizomatic structure encourages nonlinear exploration, enabling users to uncover hidden connections and thematic patterns. By promoting collaboration and diverse perspectives utilizing GenAI, it transforms narrative analysis into a dynamic and playful social experience. This innovative platform demonstrates potential to enhance narrative comprehension and critical thinking skills among fandom audiences, contributing to optimized screenplay writing and film production. As a tool for both individual and collective learning, RHIZOLUDENS may help complex narrative analysis within educational settings.


Joao Pedro de Azevedo Machado Mota
Student, PhD Candidate, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil

Cansu Naz Akgül
AI Prompt Engineer - Gamified Learning Experience Designer, Synthetic Teaching, IU Group, Bayern, Germany


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence


Narratology, Semiotics, Gamification, Ergosemiotic Narratives, Interactive Narrative Mapping, Generative AI