Integrating AI-generated Images in Collaborative Evaluations to Enhance Career Development and Workforce Training


This poster pioneers the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into career development and workforce training evaluations. In order to improve the clarity and effectiveness of evaluation processes, the model uses AI-generated images. Visual aids play an important role in facilitating communication and understanding in collaborative settings, promoting a more productive and inclusive environment. AI technology has many benefits, including streamlining workflows, reducing biases, and providing an objective assessment. Traditional evaluation methods can be transformed by incorporating this innovative approach into them, which can lead to more effective career development strategies and the development of more competent workers as a result.


Tonya Mc Hugh
Student, Curriculum and Instruction, University of South Florida, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence, Workforce, Training, Evaluations, Collaborative, Career Development