The Concept of Trust in the AI-generated Imagery Art Market


The increasing attention to e-trust, or trust within digital environments, underscores the need for comprehensive research on trust in AI-generated imagery within the art market. Despite its significance, there is a notable gap in exploring this trust from ethical, moral, and philosophical perspectives. This paper addresses this gap through empirical research and the development of new epistemological frameworks that integrate visual and narrative elements for a deeper understanding of market dynamics. A philosophical analysis highlights the necessity of transparency in establishing AI trustworthiness. By recognizing AI as part of a sociotechnical system that mediates trust, this paper suggests that enhancing the trustworthiness of these systems can increase overall trust in AI. The debate surrounding AI’s capabilities often focuses on reliability, yet from an ethical standpoint, distinguishing between trust and trustworthiness is crucial, especially in morally significant applications. In the art market, authorship significantly influences the value of works, which explains the prevalent skepticism toward AI-generated images. This paper explores the roots of this distrust and propose strategies to foster trust in AI within the art market.


Isabel Causadias Domingo
Student, PhD, Facultat de Belles Arts de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence


Digital Trust, AI-Generated Art, Digital Art market, AI Images