Poetry and Art for a Sustainable Future: A Hands-on Creative Experience


In “Hope Matters: Why Changing the Way We Think Is Critical to Solving the Environmental Crisis,” Elin Kelsey argues that hopelessness about climate change is in great part a narrative problem fueled by images of destruction. Public stories and images of extinction far outweigh stories of delisting and recovery. As a result, while most people know the causes and meaning of extinction, very few know that delisting means removing species from endangered lists when they are no longer threatened and how to sustain their recovery. While public master narratives privilege images of “doom and gloom” (assigning agency to decline), imagination combining narrative and images of hope can open spaces for other paths to sustainability. We create poetry and visual images that open pathways for humans to imagine together a more sustainable environmental future. Positioning literary/artistic creation at the heart of our project, we inspire sustainable change in our communities. In this workshop, participants will develop poetry and linocut print images that work in tandem to bring a shared sense of purpose to the rejuvenation of their own communities and environments.


Samantha Earley
Professor, English, Indiana University Southeast, Indiana, United States

Nancy C DeJoy
Associate Professor, Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures, Michigan State University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


The Image in Society


Communities, Arts, Future, Sustainability, Visualization