'More Dirty Pictures': Archive, Video and Memory in Barbara Hammer's Work


Being drawn to Hammer’s creation of a representative sign of the queer experience through audiovisual practice, the research aims to evolve towards understanding his work in the notions of archive developed by Ann Cvetkovich (2003) and Jacques Derrida (2001), aiming to prove the experimental character of Hammer’s and other queer filmmakers’ works as one of the possibilities to capture the LGBTQIA+ ephemera of living in face of the institutional oblivion and neglect imposed by traditional archives of History. The investigation for an unorthodox archive, that intertwines intimate, erotic and social facets of queer lives, also introduces a specific approach to archives that combines historical and artistic perspectives on the images that are reused and interrogated in the digital age of sexual and gender expression. Part of the challenges that cross this creative process come from a substantial lack of these non-conventional archives of LGBTQIA+ life in Brazil, even on documentation and archival centers. This denounces an absence of these memories in the official Latinx records, motivating a new search for images of experimental and queer Latinx individuals. This inquiry explores how to use archives and video as a means to bring light upon an individual’s own intimate experiences and illuminate the collective process of the making of queer identity, against the backdrop of challenges associated with accessing these records.


Enzo Caramori
Student, Undergraduate, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil

Regilene Aparecida Sarzi Ribeiro
Professor, Postgraduate Program in Media and Technology, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


Video, Memory, Archive, Archive images, Sexuality