Reimagining the Student: How AI Is Transforming the Image of Higher Learning


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is steadily making its way into the college classroom. Students are utilizing AI to enhance their writing, generate discussion topics, assist with exam preparation, and more. With AI so readily available, higher education faculty have been challenged to keep up and prepare for the use and misuse of AI in the academic setting. The current use of AI is transforming not only how students view their own personal role in their academic work but also the role of AI as part of their academic image. Faculty must now re-evaluate their preconceived ideas of the traditional student image and learn how to adapt to the changing “face” of the student.


Jacqueline Bell
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Mississippi College, Mississippi, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence, College, Classroom, Higher Education, Student, Faculty, Image, Transformation