Large Language Models - an Embodiment of Collective Production: Relationship with Digital Beings and New Kinds of Intimacy


The interplay of culture, artificial intelligence, and human creativity reshapes our understanding of artistic creation. AI, evolving from a tool to a collaborative partner, challenges traditional notions of authorship. This exploration delves into the emergence of AI-powered creative algorithms, particularly large language models, raising questions about ownership and origination. The synergy between human and AI introduces a new category of cultural objects, reflecting societal influences and offering a fresh perspective on collective production. In the digital age, cultural creation becomes a dynamic, collaborative endeavor, expanding our cultural repertoire and challenging the solitary genius narrative.


Ignas Pavliukevicius
Student, Doctoral, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Digital beings, Large language models, Collective production