Human Beings Imagined by AI through Social Media


Nowadays, social media is a big part of our lives. Image is the primary language of this virtual community which is the largest human community on earth. Behind this language, AI is constantly busy getting to know human beings: what we like to eat, wear, laugh at, or cry with; what we worry about and what we enjoy, what news is important and what can be ignored, what superstition we believe and what religions should look like, etc. AI learns and then reflects. How is AI imagining the human beings and what emerges from this imagination? If AI is dreaming about us, what the interpretation of this dream is? How fake or real is the image that AI is showing us about ourselves? How does that affect us? Through the image and imagination studies, I analyze the image of human beings imagined and reflected by AI in social media. I examine the fuzzy boundaries of real and unreal when our existence passes through the imagination of AI.


Shima Sahranavard
Student, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence