Comparative Study on the Aesthetics of Chinese and Western Landscape Painting Based on the Attention Mechanism Method in Deep Learning


This study employs the attention mechanism method to compare Chinese and Western Impressionist landscape paintings. Both genres, depicting natural scenery, possess distinct artistic values in terms of composition, aesthetics, and cultural significance. The attention mechanism, widely used in human visual research, has found successful application in deep learning due to its simplicity, speed, automation, and accuracy. Leveraging this method for painting recognition and landscape design, the researchers explore the unique features of Eastern and Western artworks. Results indicate clear distinctions in composition, color, spatial hierarchy, and visual focus between the two traditions. By amalgamating the strengths of Eastern and Western artistic styles, a contemporary landscape composition model emerges, unveiling traditional aesthetic principles in modern design. This model offers diverse practical insights for contemporary cultural landscape design, addressing modern human aspirations for an enhanced living environment.


Yaohui Su
Student, PhD Candidate, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries from Artificial Intelligence


Attention mechanism, Deep Learning, Cultural perception, Architectural Design