Contemporary Video Art in Translation : The Translation(s) Project


This paper provides an insightful examination of the significance of translation in contemporary art, using the curatorial project Translation(s) as a compelling case study. By analyzing this multi-year collaboration involving video works by over 30 international artists, the article reveals how translation can operate as both motif and method within artistic practices today. The discussion thoughtfully unpacks the complexities and nuances involved when artists engage with communication, interpretation, and reinterpretation across languages and cultures. A key contribution is highlighting the transformative and transcendent potential of translation, as it enables connections and meanings that move beyond linguistic barriers and into the realms of visual representation and cultural expression. The paper’s investigation of these dynamics through translation(s) sheds valuable light on translation’s role in contesting assumptions, fostering intercultural dialogue, and pushing the boundaries of contemporary art. This research makes a meaningful addition to scholarship on translation, curation, and artistic practices in our globalized world.


Zoran Poposki
Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Marija Todorova
Research Assistant Professor, TIIS, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Image Work


Translation, Video, Contemporary Art