Image, Time, Message, and the Spectator


We live awash in images that permanently pulverize our eyes. Wherever we are, they are present, they seduce and imprison us, assuming the most varied formats, languages and expressions, sometimes informing, freeing and amusing, sometimes, in the opposite direction, hiding, deceiving and manipulating. Conventional and, more recently, digital media are the great arenas of the image, an image that can be everything, a mirror of what we are and think, realizations, paradoxes and ambitions, reflecting dreams and desires that lead us towards the future. The image, an essential landscape of our lives, “became at the same time discourse, industry, a product that is consumed, a myth that is fought” Cazeneuve (1992, p. 143). The image is metaphor, metonymy, allegory, ellipse, hyperbole, tautology… Image is the society of the spectacle of the spectacle (Debord, 2003). What is the image really? Does it still seduce us into understanding the world? Having elaborated a certain diachronic analyses of the image, we present some images that are situated between photography and cinema (static image vs moving image), images with another time, with the particularity of interacting with the receiver. We want to think about the present that is already the future, with environmental causes as a message


Francisco Mesquita
Teacher, FCHS (Faculdade de Ciências Humans e Sociais), Fernando Pessoa Univertity, Aveiro, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Image Work