Art Infusion in Advertising and Its Effect on Brand Image


Art infusion is realized when art creates a positive effect on product or brand evaluation. With adverts using artworks, an intellectual and high-class image is conveyed to the consumer, and a positive effect is created on content, quality, and measured evaluations with the inclusion of art in the advertisement. By providing the image transfer of the work of art to the brand, it affects the consumer with positive feelings such as luxury and exclusivity, and at the same time, the prestige of the art used in the advertisements is transferred to the products due to the spreading effect. In particular, luxury brands pair their products with famous paintings or visuals inspired by famous works of art, and it is argued that the presence of art can have a positive impact on brand image and brand evaluations. In this study, the importance of adverts containing art in the brand image perceptions of university students is investigated. For this purpose, data were collected from 16 male and 16 female students through in-depth interviews from qualitative research methods. Although most of the male participants stated that the use of art in advertising did not increase their awareness of brand image, female participants stated that it caused them to perceive the brand image more positively. In particular, the view that art adds elegance and modernity to the product was expressed more intensely among female participants, while male participants stated that the use of art in advertising is a feminine feature.


Elif Esiyok
Vice Dean, Business School, Atilim University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Image in Society


Art infusion,Brand image,Art image,Advertising