Season's Greetings: Celebrating Diversity at Christmas - Practice-led PhD Research Project


Season’s Greetings is a one of several practice-led research projects, executed as part of the researcher’s PhD study, that aim to promote greater diversity through illustration. The range of secular Christmas cards currently on offer in the West is very limited in terms of the people it represents, e.g., the elderly are represented only by images of Santa Claus, women only by young shoppers, and black and brown people are barely represented at all. ‘Season’s Greetings’ is a set of playful, secular Christmas card designs, created to update and offer greater diversity to the current seasonal offering, and challenge the limited number of repetitious stereotypes that permeate the Christmas card market. The cards depict diverse Christmas characters of different ethnicities, ages, and body-types, including people who are underrepresented in the current Christmas card market, to reflect the rich cultural diversity of Western society and celebrate the valuable contribution that diverse communities make to the broader landscape of contemporary style and culture. Revelling in the spirit of a contemporary Christmas, the characters are dressed in the finest designer fashions and celebrate the festive season by drinking champagne, pulling crackers, enjoying presents, smoking, and enjoying a little retail therapy.


Carol Ryder
Senior Lecturer, Fashion, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Poster Session


The Image in Society


Diversity, Illustration, Practice, Practice-led Research, Commercial Artifact, Commercial Design