Digitizing Health Records in Syrian Refugee Camps of Lebanon : Some Challenges and a Call for an Integrated Electronic Care Record System


The lack of an electronic healthcare record (EHR) system hampers patient care in refugee camps, leading to fragmented information and compromised continuity of care. This study examines the detrimental impact of a non-electronic healthcare record system on patients’ health, particularly vulnerable refugees. Standardized data sharing is lacking, resulting in redundant medical tests, miscommunication, and delays in critical treatments. Patients’ illiteracy and lack of awareness about treatment plans contribute to potential duplicated treatments, posing health risks. Moreover, the absence of an electronic health system hinders the easy auditing of health concerns, impeding the monitoring of patients’ progress and outcomes. We emphasize the need for an integrated EHR system that ensures confidentiality, data security, and real-time accessibility of patient information. Seamless information exchange between healthcare providers through the EHR system enhances coordination and collaboration, ultimately improving health outcomes for the refugee population. Incorporating the EHR system into the existing healthcare infrastructure, with investment in capacity building and training for healthcare professionals, will maximize its benefits. In conclusion, this article advocates for the urgent implementation of an integrated electronic care record system in Syrian refugee settlements in Beqaa, Lebanon. Adopting such a system will foster improved healthcare coordination, reduce medical errors, and enhance the overall quality of care for vulnerable patients. Embracing digitalization in healthcare records is essential to meet growing demands and provide comprehensive, efficient healthcare services to the displaced population in the region


Hadia Aslam
Founder, Disaster Medicine And Dentistry, Consultancy and Training, United Kingdom

Bayan Louis
Lead of Research Department, Research, Disaster Medicine and Dentistry, Training and Consultancy, United Kingdom

Richard Ewins