A Manual Therapy Treatment for Headache Pain


Postural and neuromuscular dysfunction in the cervical spine may play a role in developing headache-related pain. The MyoKinesthetic System is a manual therapy paradigm that uses a global approach to evaluate and treat postural imbalances. It is a potentially viable treatment for the underlying neuromuscular imbalances that cause headaches. This treatment was used to treat a patient with complaints of headache-related pain and neck discomfort. A Myokinesthetic System treatment for headache, a therapy directed at the C2 cervical nerve root, elicited changes in patient’s complaints of pain and discomfort associated with their headaches and neck pain. More research is necessary to determine if the MyoKinesthetic System could be widely used to successfully treat patients presenting with cervicogenic headache symptoms.


Lindsay Luinstra
Assistant Professor, Human Performance Studies, Wichita State University, Kansas, United States

Richard bomgardner
Program Director of Athletic Training, Human Performance Studies , Wichita State University, Kansas, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Interdisciplinary Health Sciences


Headache, Manual Therapy, MyoKinesthetic System, HIT-6, Cervical Nerve Root, AT