The Impact of Health Condition and Community Exercise on Motivators and Barriers to Exercise Among Older Adults: An Evaluation of Exercise Motivators and Barriers


Exercise has positive health effects for older adults, particularly those with chronic health conditions, yet several barriers exist among these populations. Our purpose is to determine the effect of health conditions and community programs on exercise barriers and motivators. We use surveys comprised of demographics, health status, community program participation, and exercise motivators and barriers distributed to participants aged 65+ across a five state Midwestern region (U.S.) and local community exercise programs. We found most motivators were physical (71.5%), with improving health (41%) and fitness (21%) the most common, followed by personal (23.8%), and social (4.7%). The most common barriers to exercise were physical (33%%), with pain (15%) and fatigue (12.5%) being the most frequent barriers, followed by psychological (22%), lack of motivation or interest being the most noted (32.6%). Chi Square Goodness of Fit analysis revealed a significant difference between observed values and expected values for both exercise motivators X2 (4,297)=53.41, p < .001, and exercise barriers X2 (2,193)=137.17, p <.001. Chi Square for Independence revealed no significant effect for health condition on type of exercise motivator and a small effect on type of exercise barrier X2 (4,297)=9.13, p=.05, Φ=.18.Participation in a community program had a significant effect on type of exercise motivator X2 (2,193)=10.89, p=.004, Φ=.24.but no significant effect on type of barrier to exercise. The most common motivators and barriers to exercise were considered physical. Health condition had an effect on the type of exercise motivator and community program participation had an effect on type of exercise barrier.


Anita M. Gust
Assistant Professor, Math Science and Technology/Exercise Science and Wellness, University of Minnesota Crookston, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Physiology, Kinesiology and Psychology of Wellness in its Social Context


Chronic disease, Older adults, Community exercise programs, Exercise motivation, Barriers