The Way to Overcome Problems Pointed in Welfare for People with Mental Diseases: Perspectives of Self-help Group Leaders and Social Workers inside Japan


This research is based on interviews on experts specializing in mental health in Japan who have experienced mental illness. The study draws on semi-structured interviews for four representatives of each self- help group, or institution that supports people with mental illness and the dissatisfaction they have with domestic mental health care in Japan. Based on the interviews, there is a gap between the policy and the current situation. Furthermore, I analyze this using Andersen’s welfare regime (2001) particularly which aspects of the welfare are highly feasible to overcome and which are not.


Junka Kishimoto
Student, Social Welfare, Social Science, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Public Health Policies and Practices


Keywords—Welfare, Human Rights, Mental Health, Self-Help