Is Digital Health Enough for the Elderly and Caregivers in Chile, 2022?


Aging population and opportunities for digital integration represent a public health challenge. Aging process, social isolation and low income, increases healthcare demand. Gaps in access generate unsatisfied needs, affecting health and quality of life. Chile has developed digital health strategies to provide timely and articulated care. However, this progress has stagnated due to lack of budget and training, and systems incompatibility, among others. It is necessary to understand how digital health helps elderly and the support given by their caregivers. Our objective is to understand experiences, interactions, and expectations that elderly, relatives and caregivers have regarding digital health. A qualitative design was conducted based on focus groups with people aged 65 to 85 years, family members and caregivers. Elderly have a late relationship with technology, except those who worked using digital devices. Technology is perceived as a facilitator for daily tasks, including those related to health. However, concerns are mainly related to fraud, scams, misuse of personal information, and fear of damaging devices, which increases the digital gap. The use of technological devices is a learning process that is deeply related with family members’ support (children/grandchildren). Main uses in digital health are: seeking information on diseases, medications and procedures, self-diagnosis/medication and how to provide medical care. Access and use of technologies reproduce socioeconomic inequalities. Digital literacy is based on informal training processes. Facilitating access to equipment and adequate connection, adaptation according to needs, development of digital competencies, accompaniment, as well as overcoming psychological barriers, are fundamental elements for digital health appropriation.


Macarena Hirmas
Lecturer and Researcher, Center for Epidemiology and Health Policies, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Ximena Sgombich
Directora, Nous Invetsigación, Asesoría y Capacitación Ltda., Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Andrea Olea

Xaviera Molina
Researcher, Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

Camila Awad
Lecturer and Researcher, Center of Epidemiology and Health Policies, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus: Digitizing Health and Wellbeing



Digital Media
