Use of the Buzzy as a Non-pharmacological Pain Management Tool among Young Adults with Mild Trypanophobia


The purpose of this project is to address the need for non-pharmacological pain management resources for young adults. Oftentimes, literature on non-pharmacological pain management focuses on children, though it is known that young adults, too, experience anxiety and mild to severe trypanophobia (fear of needles). During this COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important for those eligible to be vaccinated and boosted to protect themselves and others from COVID-19. To help alleviate anxiety and injection pain, our research team employed the use of the “Buzzy” at our university’s vaccine clinics. Simply described, Buzzy is a handheld device about the size of a computer mouse that buzzes (vibrates) on the skin. The buzzing confuses nerves in the area so patients receiving injections, like a vaccine, do not feel sharp pain. During vaccine clinic days, students were asked if they would like to hear more about how using Buzzy could help take the “sting” out of their vaccine. The students completed a consent form and a brief survey. The Buzzy was applied to the injection site for one minute, and moved one inch above the injection site as the vaccination took place. Students then completed a second survey. Data showed very positive experiences using the Buzzy, including decreased pain and decrease in anxiety. During this time when being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 is critical for public health, having a non-pharmacological pain management tool available may help to increase vaccination rates, especially with booster doses.


Holly Kihm
Professor, Health and Human Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Louisiana, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Public Health Policies and Practices


Non-pharmacological Pain Management, Young Adult, Vaccination, Anxiety