Perceptions Toward the Use of Digital Technology for Enhancing Family Planning Services: Focus Group Discussion with Beneficiaries and Key Informative Interview with Midwives


Modern family planning (FP) methods allow married couples to discuss and determine the number of children and years of spacing between them. Despite many significant improvements in FP services in Jordan, there are still many issues related to the uptake of FP services for both host communities and Syrian refugees, due to limitations in the health care system based on public health facilities. Digital technologies can provide opportunities to address the challenges faced in the health system, thus offering the potential to improve both coverage and quality of FP services. The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions of Jordanian women, Syrian refugees, and midwives in Jordan toward the use of digital health technology to support and enhance access to FP services. Method: Qualitative study based on semi structured, face-to face KIIs with 17 FP providers and FGDs with 32 married women of reproductive age. Participants were recruited from 9 health centers in 2 governorates in Jordan. Digital technology can be feasible, cost-effective, well accepted, and potentially beneficial in increasing woman’s awareness and knowledge regarding the FP methods and their side effect. Digital technology can assist in enabling women’s empowerment, which will allow them to make better decisions regarding FP use. Several concerns regarding digital technology use were related to eHealth literacy and the accuracy of the information provided. In conclusion, digital technologies are recommended to address the challenges faced in health system and to improve both the coverage and the quality of FP services.


Hind Yousif
Researcher, Research & Policy Unit, GHD|EMPHNET, Jordan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education


Family planning, Mobile apps, Social media, Digital technology, Contraceptives