Challenging Existing Narratives: A Leading-edge Conversation on Disparities in Digital Health


➡️Join Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 879 4933 6143 Passcode: 419723⬅️ Blending Narrative Medicine and Digital Health, authors explore existing barriers to equitable health outcomes during the growth of digital health tools. The research first analyzes narratives and beliefs that negatively impact health and wellness outcomes and identify how they are at play in the digital health space. While digital health tools have been integral to the Covid-19 Pandemic response, these tools highlight and may even widen gaps in health equity. Researchers use the tools of Narrative Medicine to rethink traditional narratives that are institutional barriers to more equitable health outcomes. Using interdisciplinary, specifically curated curricula, participants will be guided through activities using three methodological practices of Narrative Medicine: narrative competency, mindset, and radical listening. Participants will be exposed to a broader, more authentic conversation that extends beyond conventional ideas of health and wellness and the type of impacts that are achievable.


Danika Tynes
Adjunct Faculty, Morehouse School of Medicine, Health Informatics, Morehouse College, Georgia, United States

Ssanyu Birigwa
Co-founder/Principal, Narrative Medicine, Narrative Bridge, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus—Advancing Health and Equity: Best Practices in an International Perspective


Narrative Medicine, Digital Health, Disparities, Narrative Competency, Health Equity