Emotional Expression of Children in Virtual Environments: Development of Self-motivation and Solution of Intrapersonal Conflicts


In the past year, the lack of development of socio-emotional skills, and the lack of opportunities and safe spaces that offer positive experiences, have been risk factors for the healthy coexistence of children. One of the methods to maintain the teaching-learning processes was through virtual environments (videoconferences, virtual classrooms, apps, etc.). However, for children in basic education in Mexico, high levels of overcrowding, stress, fear, anguish, and nervousness were observed from the first days of social distancing. With the aim of promoting intrapersonal intelligence and developing relevant societal skills for the current health emergency, an Emotional Workshop was proposed with leisure and projective techniques for psychic interpretation. Over 10 virtual sessions of 50 minutes each, group interventions were carried out with groups of between 5 and 10 children. As part of the workshop and to promote the expression of experiences and emotions during confinement, thematics relevant to the effects of emotions on the body, mood, and daily life were addressed, as well as emotional self-regulation strategies. Benefits have been shown in children with the correct identification of emotions, expression, and emotional recognition when confined.


Jimena Elizondo Hernandez
Coordinación de Psicología, Psicología, Grupo Alianza Mexicana por la Sobredotación Intelectual, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education


Expression, Intrapersonal, Virtual, Environments, Mental, Health