Using Contemporary Art and Animations in Professional Health Education and Training


Although there are an unlimited availability of online health resources today for professional health education and training, these myriad of resources have complicated education for students, healthcare providers, employees, and patients— particularly older adults, and individuals with limited English language skills. Even highly educated individuals may find the information too complicated to understand, especially when they’re confronted with time limitations. Research has shown that the human brain can process images significantly faster than words. Also, visual images are more effective in simplifying complex subjects, allowing the retention of complex health information permanently in our memory, where they become indelibly etched. To manifest those facts, I’ve created state of the art and innovative training animations and infographics to help learners grasp complex concepts easily and to expand their cognitive capabilities by stimulating their imaginations. In my paper, I sharing unique techniques that I’ve adapted in delivering and transforming complicated scientific topics into simplified/entertaining material, and which has shown impressive outcomes in the past few years of implementation. Through graphics and animations, I demonstrate how powerful visual metaphors of health and medical illustrations can create strong motivation in people, allowing them to attain a healthy lifestyle at work and home.


Dina Alsalih
Owner, Online Education, Brainstein Academy, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education


Adult learning, Innovative learning techniques, Health/medical education, Visualization in learning