Health Education Through the Web: Effective Ways to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


The research proposes the need to analyze how people integrate the use of technology, and the globalized information society, in lifestyles, the care and promotion of health and well-being. The goal is to study, at a biopsychosocial level, considers how the internet determines the development of knowledge, capacities and abilities related to health field. To study different ways of being, feeling, thinking, acting, and interacting which have an impact on health at a biological, physiological, cognitive, emotional, educational, and social level. The main point is to work on those points that support web-user interaction. Starting from the consideration that people live in an “objects world”, and they adjust their actions to the meaning that objects have for them, as researchers, it is necessary to analyze health education as people conceive it. Human learning begins with the sensory and later reaches the intellectual, that is, when people learn to abstract. The Internet enables reflection, the development of imagination, memory, knowledge and the enrichment of language in a exceptional way. This media platform makes people develop a type of perception, sensitivity, feelings, attitude, and thinking very different from those developed by other structures. Our project pursues the natural integration of ICTs in daily life, in order to provide people with a set of personal and social benefits in health education. To achieve it, the development of an advanced dynamic content platform, which allows the doable accomplishment of new ICT services and applications focused on health promotion is proposed.


Ana Sánchez
Professor, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education