Advancing Post-secondary Student Wellness: A Review of Related Literature


With increases in emotional and behavioural health issues over recent generations, advancement of post-secondary student wellness has emerged as a crucial topic for researchers and post-secondary administrators. Post-secondary is increasingly recognized as an environment with a holistic view of developing healthy citizens, not simply a place of education. Literature has indicated the complex interplay between the dimensions of wellness that contribute to overall student wellness, and has driven the development of progressive interventions that address and support student wellness initiatives. This review presents the core dimensions of student wellness, including physical, social, and financial wellness, discuss the role of social media in wellness, and explore wellness as it relates to two at-risk groups: Indigenous students and students belonging to sexual and gender diverse communities. The poster brings together key findings from literature representing a social-ecological perspective to mental health and wellness, showcasing successful interventions dedicated to augment physical, social, and financial wellness in post-secondary students. This poster compliments an encompassing student wellness initiative to produce an edited book to support post-secondary students, their families, and institution administrators to enhance student wellness.


Kristen Zentner
Student, Graduate Diploma in Psychological Assessment, Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Brent D. Bradford
Associate Professor, Education, Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Barbara van Ingen
Vice President, Concordia University Student Life and Learning


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Health Promotion and Education


Post-Secondary, Student Wellness, Mental Health, Thriving, Diversity