Effect of Gratitude Interventions on Well-being of Indian Youth


An online experimental study was designed and conducted to administer gratitude interventions within the purview of positive psychology to study its effects on the Indian youth. Objectives were: First, to study if gratitude interventions lead to an increase in overall wellbeing. Second, to see if a cumulative effect of two gratitude interventions on wellbeing is greater than a single gratitude intervention. Experimental design with N= 80 was used and participants were randomly allocated to experimental group and control group (n=40 each). Participants answered measures at pre-test and post-test. The data was analyzed using two way MANOVA and difference-in-difference methods. Result: At T1 after practicing only three good things exercise, there was a significant increase in mental health, happiness, and gratitude and a decrease in depression, anxiety, and stress of the experimental group. Whereas, there was no significant change in the control group. At T2 after practicing the three good things exercise & gratitude letter together there was a significant increase in mental health , happiness, and gratitude and a decrease in depression, anxiety, and stress of the experimental group. Whereas, there was no significant change in the control group. Further, three good things and gratitude letters together are more effective in increasing positive affect and reducing negative affect compared to single three good things exercise. Gratitude intervention significantly increases positive affect and mental health and decreases negative affect. Two gratitude interventions together lead to greater increase in overall well-being of an individual as opposed to a single gratitude intervention.


Monika Srivastava
Research Scholar, Psychology, Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education


Youth, Gratitude Intervention, Well-being