Is Lady Justice to Arbitrate the Epistemological Change in Contemporary Western Healthcare? : Integration, Legitimation, Legalization


A Canadian press release stated that in 2018 the CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) market was around USD 55.2 billion; projeted to reach USD 163.3 billion by 2025. Do these figures illustrate the growth in public demand for CAM, mirroring an epistemological change in the in healthcare and in the public’s demand in Contemporary Western healthcare? If so, is the integration of CAM to the health system to be considered a civil rights issue? This research deals with the analyses of cases of both inclusion/exclusion, integration/prejudice, recognion/marginalization (as pseudo-therapies), legalization/criminalization– of CAM. Cases here investigated include Brazil, Canada, Spain, United States, and Australia; in order to illustrate successful cases; versus common impasses, challenges, and even judicialization met whilst attempting to integrate CAM into the health system.


Tamima Mourad
Student, Naturopathy, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Interdisciplinary Health Sciences


Complementary Alternative Medicine, Epistemology, Inclusion, Legalization, Civil Rights