Government, University and Community Organizations Partner to Prevent the Pandemic’s Effects on Mental and Emotional Health : COVID-19 Messaging Campaigns Show Reach and Impact Through Strong Collaborations


Utah saw high numbers of infection and death due to COVID-19, despite the state’s health directives, and ranked in the top ten nationally for COVID transmission rates. To reduce the spread and mitigate the potential isolating effects of physical distancing guidelines on mental and emotional health, Utah State University (USU) Extension reached vulnerable communities through unique educational and awareness campaigns. USU Extension received funding to promote COVID-19 health guidance to impacted communities in accordance with Utah’s Governor’s directives. In the Fall of 2020, a campaign was designed and executed leveraging the reach of media channels with on-the-ground efforts. Materials developed targeted seniors and caregivers, Native American and Latino communities, parents of school-aged youth, those with limited internet access, and the public within nine counties in specific areas of concern. The grant objectives were to improve awareness, attitudes, and behaviors related to COVID-19 guidelines. Working with community partners, a multidisciplinary Extension team designed and translated materials to Spanish and [Native American] languages. Creative messages were distributed as fliers, magnets, posters, radio ads, billboards, bus ads, social media and website ads. Impact data was gathered by surveying residents in those high-transmission areas. A Qualtrics® survey was designed and sent to a random sample from the target populations to assess changes in awareness, attitudes, and behaviors. Results showed that seeing the messages more than once increased awareness and favorable attitudes toward COVID-19 guidelines and encouraged adoption of practices that improve mental and emotional health and reduce the risk of COVID-19.


Celina Wille
Extension Associate Professor, Applied Sciences, Technology and Education, Utah State University, Utah, United States

Melanie Jewkes
Extension Associate Professor, Extension Home and Community Department, Utah State University, Utah, United States

Paige Wray
Extension Assistant Professor, Home and Community , Utah State University Extension, Utah, United States

Gabriela Murza
Professional Practice Extension Assistant Professor, Utah State University Extension, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education