An Initiative on Healthy Lifestyle Education for Lifelong Learners in Florida


A multidimensional approach to wellbeing has progressively been incorporated into healthy living efforts in University of Florida Extension. A pilot study was launched in 2018 to integrate health and wellbeing domains into educational programming using a socio-ecological-economical model for youth and adults. The objectives include establishing programs across eight counties and designed to include components such as developing a peer support group, sharing the benefits of volunteering, learning, linking the connection between mind and body, gaining knowledge of local foods, benefits of gardening, accessing and consuming healthy foods, increasing physical activities, and establishing farmer to consumer interactions, thus blending health and wellbeing domains with food systems. Programs were designed to teach at least 8 hours of education in 3-4 weeks with a follow-up plan for obtain outcomes. The project was implemented across five counties in their first cycle and was repeated twice in one county. Garnering interest among target audiences to participate to this new program was noted as an implementation challenge in three counties. COVID-19- related challenges required the projects to pivot and concentrate more of the learning opportunities on mental and social wellbeing domains, local foods, horticultural therapy, growing your foods, while maintaining an integrative approach to healthy living. Thus far, results were documented on participant knowledge gained and behavior changed. The long-term success and the continuation of the project will be assessed in two years. Implementation of this pilot project has enabled an integration of lifestyle and food systems-based approaches to teaching healthy living curriculum in Florida.


Tim Momol
Professor and District Director, Extension, University of Florida, Florida, United States

Wendy Dahl
University of Florida

Wendy Lynch
Extension Agent III - Family & Consumer Sciences, Extension, University of Florida - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Health Promotion and Education