Nutrition and Alcohol Use Disorder Success Stories: The Impact of Nutrition on Those Who Are Alcohol Dependent


The first two decades of the twenty-first century, and particularly since the onset of Covid-19 pandemic, have shown an increase of anxiety and depression to people of all ages from all cultures and economic backgrounds. The use of alcohol and drugs, either prescribed or illegal, have been seen as the panacea to help people through individual challenges and difficulties. Unfortunately, these crutches often lead to increased anxiety, addiction, severe depression, and even death. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the case history of four people that were alcohol dependent and how they live each day to fight alcohol abuse by incorporating high quality nutritional foods and key supplements into their daily regiment. It is the hope that this paper will contribute to the body of literature on this topic and help those who are considered (Alcohol Dependent) AUD live an addictive-free life through educational awareness on the impact of nutrition on our bodies.


Jan Hammond, Ed.D.
Professor Emerita, Educational Administration, State University of New York, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education


Alcohol Dependency, AUD, Nutrition, Educational Awareness, Neurotransmitters, Balancing Brain Chemistry