Stress Management Through Humor


The use of humor is a way to promote mental and physical health. Hans Selye, an expert on stress, noted a person’s interpretation of stress is not only dependent on the external event, but is also affected by that person’s perception and meaning of the event. The philosopher John Morrell believes that people first laughed as a sign of relief after they were exposed to danger and then shared a collective sigh of relief as the danger passed. Humor has been viewed as a way of looking at a situation from a different point of view, diffusing a crisis and providing opportunity for increased insight. A sense of humor is a powerful stress coping behavior. Research indicates how we deal with stress influences our lives and relationships to health. tress has been connected to heart disease, chronic fatigue and low self-esteem. Humor produces the opposite psychological response to stress. Stress may cause a rapid pulse, tightening of muscles, and increased blood pressure. After laughing, all these symptoms are decreased. Research from the Department of Clinical Immunology at Loma Linda University School of Medicine suggests that laughter stimulates the immune system, offsetting the effects of stress. Understanding factors which foster humor will provide an approach to creating humor. This workshop explores the benefits of using humor as a tool to reduce stress through video, experiential exercises, and handouts.


Ronald Dolon
Professor, Social Work Department, Ball State University, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Health Promotion and Education


Physiology Psychology Fitness