The Power of Integrative Medicine and the Group in Equitably Advancing Health and Wellbeing


Social and economic conditions profoundly impact health. Integrative medicine practices have been found to address the primary causes of most chronic disease. In addition, group treatments provide a clinically effective and economically affordable methodology for treating chronic conditions. Nonprofit health systems are legally required to promote health equitably in their communities. Combining integrative medicine practices with hospital-sponsored community group interventions promotes health by addressing the root cause of chronic disease, decreases isolation, and provides accessible and affordable care for all community members. This presentation reviews the research, in the form of participatory action research, case studies, and a systematic review to support these claims. Attendees will be provided with an evidence-based map for creating integrative medicine group interventions. To apply the learning, attendees will also learn and practice five integrative medicine therapies.


Ruthann Russo
MPA Director/Assistant Professor, Healthcare Management, Kean University, New Jersey, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus—Advancing Health and Equity: Best Practices in an International Perspective


Integrative Medicine, Equitable Care, Group Treatments, Community Health, Stress