Novel Approaches to Patient Education During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic


The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that caught the world unprepared has metastasized the impact of poor health communication. The need for effective health communication is vital especially in times of a global pandemic. Clear communication nurtures the clinician-patient relationship, improves treatment adherence, raises patient satisfaction, and may ultimately save lives. Inspired by examining news-coverage of COVID-19 in a daily newspaper, including the comics section, this research examines the potential use of comics in clinical settings. A selection of four Health Capsules, an internationally circulated comic, was analyzed using a framework for effective communication, bioethical practice, and visual analysis. Discussion suggests comics may present a unique opportunity to improve the patient’s experience and guidelines for the use of comics in patient education are offered.


Jonathan De Rothewelle
Student, MD, Ross University School of Medicine, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Interdisciplinary Health Sciences


Patient Education, COVID-19, Graphic Medicine, Medical Literature