Digital Storytelling Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Behavioural Risk Factor Modification: A Narrative Public Patient Involvement Qualitative Study


Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) behavioural risk factors account for repeated surgical intervention sessions. The major problem identified is linked to post-surgery behaviour change challenges experienced by cardio-rehab referrals. Various studies have suggested cardio-rehab improvement and patient-focused strategies on a digital platform. However, fewer studies have applied a public patient involvement (PPI) approach in their behavioural risk factor modification intervention strategies, especially for CVD populations. Objectives: This study sought to 1.) identify major behavioural risk factor modification themes for people living with CVDs, 2.) suggest a user-made intervention model for CVD behavioural risk factor modification, and 3.) compare behaviour change elements in the suggested model with the Digital Narrative Transformative Framework (DNTF) using cardio-rehab patient and professional-derived evidence. Methods: The study used narrative PPI approach, DNTF change elements in case study design, focus group discussion for data collection, narrative analysis approach and Standard for Reporting Qualitative Research in analysis and reporting. Key findings: The study identified activities, belonging, challenges, transitioning, journey experience, starting off, connection approach (safeguarding), and information source as major themes in full alignment with the DNTF change elements except for personal data threat posed by the use of digital space. These present opportunities and threats to digitization within specific population demography. Conclusions: Digital health behaviour change interventions is more effective when accessed in clustered groups especially for people living in rural regions, and more efficient as focus shifts towards the use of intervention population as a feed source for stories and choice of digital space, and not contrariwise.


Adewale S. Akinosun
Health Improvement Specialist, NHS, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Health Promotion and Education


Digital storytelling, Risk factors, Risk factor modification, Cardiovascular diseases, Scoping