Strategic Practices and Actions to Advance Health Equity in Local Geology Departments


The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) is a North American organization that seeks to foster improvement in the teaching of the earth sciences at all levels of formal and informal instruction, to emphasize the cultural significance of the earth sciences, and to disseminate knowledge in this field to the general public. Members include K-12 teachers and college and university faculty as well as educators working with the general public through outlets such as museums and science centers. The National Association of Geoscience Teachers works to raise the quality of and emphasis on teaching the geosciences at all levels. It is important to create time and space for government staff to co‐learn and reflect on this history, and to develop a shared analysis around the historical role of government in perpetuating “othering” and exclusion. The goal of this reflection is to help staff understand the birth of our current systems and structures, and our roles in changing them, rather than to point blame or assign guilt. Our review revealed some limitations in the literature on diversity and inclusivity within geosciences departments. These patterns of representation extend to the prevalence of images of women who receive distinguished awards in the field. Strong, strategic, long‐term, and trusting relationships with community partners are vital to advancing health equity and transforming public health practices. These relationships must recognize each other’s strengths, be rooted in shared values and interests, share decision making, and allow for authentic participation by those facing inequities.


Afsoon Kazerouni
Professor, Center for Sustainability Studies, Bemidji State University, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Health Promotion and Education


K-12, Teachers, University, Faculty, Inequities, Public, Health, Practices