Effectiveness of a Workplace Physical Exercise Intervention on Health, Productivity, and Quality of Life on Office Workers in Spain: Results of a Quasiexperimental Study


Poor health caused by sedentary lifestyle affects on productivity and Quality of Life (QoL) (Goetzel y Ozminkowski, 2008). The workplace is considered a strategic nucleus on which to focus health intervention programs (Guazzi et al., 2014). Despite this, scientific evidence suggests new quality trials (Rongen et al., 2013) and more specifically, to do so in the European context (Jiménez, Martínez del Castillo and Barriopedro, 2014). This study show results of an experimental 12week treatment of physical exercise program for office workers in Spain. A quasi-experimental design was composed with 67 participants considered sedentary who were assigned to an experimental group (N = 40) and a control group (N = 27). Normality assumption was calculated using the K-S test and equality of variances through the Levene test. Mann-Whitney U tests were performed for the quantitative variables and Chi-Square for the nominals. The effect size was calculated according to η2=z / (n-1) interpreted to Cohen (1988). Significant effects were found on resistance strong (P=0.020, η2=0.08), loss of body fat (P=0.015, η2=0.09), on power legs (P=0.020, η2=0.08) and the perceived physical and mental health (P=0.001, η2=0.39 and P=0.001, η2=0.15). No effects of the program were found on VO2 max, weight, diastolic pressure and productivity. The program had an impact on QoL in a Spanish company. However, it would be interesting to carry out new exercise interventions that are directly correlated to productivity and sick leave.


Víctor Jiménez Díaz Benito
Professor, Education Faculty, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Sara Zafra DÍaz
Ciencias del Deporte, Universidad de Alcalá

Jose Antonio Santacruz
PhD, Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain

Ángel Luis Clemente Remón
Assistant Professor Doctor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk


Health Promotion and Education


Workplace; Physical Activity; Program; Productivity; Health

Digital Media


Effectiveness Of A Workplace Physical Exercise Intervention On Health, Productivity, And Quality Of Life On Office Workers In Spain Results Of A Quasiexperimental Study