The Meaning and Cultural Preservation of Indigenous Weaving Patterns: The Study of the Pinuyumayan, an Indigenous People of Taiwan


Most ethnic groups have developed written language systems to record their lives, habits, and rituals in writing. In Taiwan’s indigenous people, each group has its own language and has not developed a written writing system. Recording life and culture through architectural sculptures, objects and fabric patterns. The purpose of the study is to explore the cultural significance and preservation possibility of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. Regarding the research method, first, we focus on the culture of weaving through documentary analysis, and second, we use the field research to study the Likavung and Kasafakan tribes of the Pinuyumayan in Taiwan, to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural significances of Pinuyumayan culture. This research centers on the Pinuyumayan weaving patterns, exploring the tribe, noticing and evaluating the weaving patterns of males and females. The study categorizes Taiwan’s indigenous patterns into symbolic and decorative. The symbolic pattern has a cultural significance, while the decorative pattern is simply ornamental without any deeper meaning. Using the pattern shows the thinking logic and knowledge system of the community, and is a thoughts expression and a cultural symbol. These patterns hold a record of its function and cultural importance. The tribes pass on and continues its culture through the textiles and patterns in the changing society.


Fei Yeh Lee
Student, Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Realities


Taiwan Indigenous Peoples, Ethnic Culture, Weaving Patterns, Cultural Preservation