Violence through Information and Communication Technologies in Adolescent Couples: Need for Socio-educational Interventions


Numerous investigations indicate new forms of violence in adolescent courtship. Cyber violence or the digitalization of violent situations, intimidation and control mechanisms has established itself as a new way of exercising violence in adolescent couples. This study comes to determine the effectiveness of socio-educational interventions to eradicate cyber violence. Qualitative techniques are used to find out the perceptions of education professionals and parents about the nature, prevalence, and impact of cyber violence in adolescence and effective intervention proposals. 23 semistructured interviews were carried out with secondary school teachers, social educators and counselors. Also, a discussion group was held made up of parents with adolescent children of Spanish and immigrant origin. The results suggest the need to develop socio-educational interventions focused on promoting adequate practices of the use of the internet and social networks. Knowing the vision of parents and professionals involved in the training process of these adolescents, it is concluded that, despite the fact that educational institutions are developing various actions, the education and training of educational personnel in information technologies and communication is a very important aspect to take into consideration to address and eradicate violence in adolescent dating relationships. In addition, there is an urgent need for training and awareness of the risks of cyber violence.


Rachida Dalouh Ounia
Assistant Teacher, Research Methods, Education, University of Almería, Spain, Spain

Encarnacion Soriano Ayala
Professor, Education, Universidad de Almería, Almería, Spain

Verónica C. Cala
Assistant Teacher, Research Methods in Education, University of Almería, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Realities