Presenting of Sound and Non-sound Waves Signal Analysis


Our research is an attempt to derive a mathematical formula to describe the state of a system created by two or more waves resulting in a shockwave production. The shockwave produced is a carrier of an energy that can be used for motion in gases and liquids. To be able to utilize this energy we must be able to describe the state of a system of two or more waves at any given time thus deriving a formula that links energy produced to the component characteristics of the wave e.g frequency amplitude, etc. A mathematical model is used which presents a system of waves as a sum or difference of two vectors which is the resulting vector or a shockwave. It is a model that has been obtained after using detailed analysis of both longitudinal and transverse waves. The purpose of my research is to make a phenomenon such as interference of waves to be studied as a means of creating of energy that can be utilized for the purposes of engineering physics research and mathematical description. My research is called “sound resonance and wave properties in gases and liquids - investigating the nature of soundwaves.“ The subject of my research were chosen acoustic waves and with this example I demonstrate the characteristics of a shockwave as a main carrier of an energy and transmitter of it in different kinds of environments.


Ruslan Pozinkevych
Lecturer-Specialist, Faculty of Information Technologies and Mathematics, Eastern European University - Lesya Ukrayinka, Volyns'ka Oblast', Ukraine


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus: Whose Intelligence? The Corporeality of Thinking Machines


Constructive/destructive interference Exponential form Longitudinal waves Shockwave Sound resonance Strength