Engaging Virtual Worlds, Social Network and Distance Education: Contradictory and Complementary Articulation


The new “educational” techno ecologies of the virtual worlds, augmented reality, virtual reality, metaverses, social networks, are growing as a set of digital environments. It seems to be interesting to provide digital socio-formative impulses within the interactions in the middle of the fastness of their emerging. The distance education efforts intent to design formal teaching activities, according to each program, contents, students groups, social contexts, companies niches needs, etc, provoke and increase a strong informal atmosphere, including bias and interferences caused by irrelevant variables (but planned) reaching to the point of fanaticism, in the detriment of serious efforts of on line courses, beyond to strengthen transparence and the democracy. Since the techno ecologies have huge formative impacts, they have chances to care social interests, aims and expectations, to promote diverse solutions for the educational process. A consequence is to research, experiment and discuss the characteristics, roles and interrelationship between D.E. and the V.W, S.N, etc, means to reckon a contradictory but complementary way which configure minds, desires and wills, today. It is an educational hard work but very significative (besides pedagogically useful) to reconsider the digital culture, where the social digital ecologies and networks, and the distance education programs, have predominant influence and importance. To intent a reformulation of the underlying spirit and concepts of the current D.E. programs, to articulate them with the VW, S.N. and vice versa, in an avant-garde tune according the local social contexts, global needs, are recognized demands.


Beatriz Fainholc
Professor, Odontology, National University La Plata- UNLP, Argentina, Capital federal, Argentina


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Knowledge Makers


Digital, Culture, Learning, Technology, Ecologies, Virtual, Education