Design and Validation of an Instrument to Analyze Mobile Applications that Favor mLearning: Mobile Applications Subject to Analysis


The objective of the research carried out was to design an instrument to analyze mobile applications that favor m-learning and its validation. As a first step, a bibliographic search was carried out on the subject of interest. A grid was made to compare the decisions made by research groups regarding content validity, construct validity, and internal reliability and consistency. Subsequently, an instrument consisting of 14 indicators was designed, it is also explicitly understood that each one is understood, a 5-point Likert scale is incorporated that measures the degree of adequacy, a numerical value is also assigned The designed instrument was sent to three experts on the subject who of the 14 indicators select 10 that are the most relevant, making suggestions that were considered to adjust the instrument. Subsequently, the instrument was presented to 11 members of a research group on Mobile Applications and Simulation in order to validate the content. Those who apply the instrument to 6 Mobile Applications that can be used from cell phones. Then a descriptive analysis was carried out, a correlation matrix was developed to verify the degree of agreement between the judgments made by the experts Regarding the level of reliability according to the Cronbach’s Alpha value, this was located at 0.9848. APP Mobile Applications are free and easily accessible, so it is key as teachers to make a prior evaluation of them and this instrument offers that possibility.


Vivian Aurelia Minnaard
Docente, Investigadora, Universidad de la Fraternidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Claudia Minnaard
Profesora Titular, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Knowledge Makers