The Non-subjective Individualism: The Effect of Technology and Media in the Development of a Vacuumed Individualism


At the end of the Democracy of America, Tocqueville announced the appearance of a new type of despotism, much more imperceptible, from the establishment of democracy. The appearance of the Internet and social networks finished perfecting this exposure mechanism. The individuals, in addition to being already separated from each other, are totally exposed, totally penetrable, becoming vulnerable to science, technology, medicine, ideology. For classical liberalism, the individual is indivisible. The etymology of the term individual comes from the Latin individuus, which means indivisible; indivisibility in the double sense, first, the individual as a minimal and non-divisible unit in a group, second, the individual as an indivisible unit in itself. With the same logic, the individual is a closed space and the only one who has access to himself. For dataism, the individual (or dividual) is a set of objective algorithms that can be translated into measurable, analyzable and supervisable information; a transparent, open and accessible space for external agents. The entire Big Data system makes functional use of the analytical decomposition of man, while making economic use of the ontologization of information, which leads to this sparkling state, to this generalized individualism without subjectivity.


Mane Tatulyan
Student, Masters in Applied Philosphy, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Capital Federal, Argentina


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2022 Special Focus: Trust, Surveillance, Democracy


Subjectivity, Individualism,Ttechnology, Surveillance, Panopticon, Psychopolitics, Big data, Dataism