The Principle of Least Disruptive Online Course Design: Embracing Innovation and the Needs of Learners


The inclusion of new or different technologies in course design, although well-intentioned, can adversely impact student learning if not accompanied by opportunities and resources that validate the appropriateness of digital tools and their purpose, promote faculty-use competency, promote student-use competency, provide guided application, and allow ample time and resources for learning and engagement. In this session, participants will learn how each of these variables impacts course design, delivery, and learning. This will be accomplished through interactive engagement and application to emerging innovations and their impact on student learning. Participants will also be provided with a digital document that guides that process and they can later use in an examination of their own courses and programs.


Brad Garner
Digital Learning Scholar in Residence, Academic Innovation, Indiana Wesleyan University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Knowledge Makers


Innovation, Course Design, Student Learning, Digital Tool Use